# third party imports
import numpy as np
# stdlib imports
from openquake.hazardlib import imt
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import PGA, PGV
from shakelib.gmice.gmice import GMICE
[docs]class Wald99(GMICE):
Implements the ground motion intensity conversion equations (GMICE) of
Wald et al. (1999). This module implements a simplified version in that
it only uses one of PGV or PGA, and not a combination of the two (PGV
for higher intensities, PGA for lower) as is recommended in the reference.
Wald, D.J., V. Quitoriano, T.H. Heaton, and H. Kanamori (1999).
Relationships between peak gorund acceleration, peak ground
velocity, and Modified Mercalli Intensity in California,
Earthquake Spectra, Volume15, No. 3, August 1999.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Imm = 3.66 * log10(PGA) - 1.66 for Imm >= V (e.g., log10(PGA) >= 1.82)
# Imm = 2.20 * log10(PGA) + 1.0 for Imm < 5
# Imm = 3.47 * log10(PGV) + 2.35 for Imm >= V
# Imm = 2.10 * log10(PGV) + 3.40 for Imm < 5
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self):
self.min_max = (1.0, 10.0)
self.name = "Wald et al. (1999)"
self.scale = "scale_wald99.ps"
self.__constants = {
self._pga: {
"C1": 3.66,
"C2": -1.66,
"C3": 2.20,
"C4": 1.00,
"T1": 1.82,
"T2": 5.00,
"SMMI": 1.08,
"SPGM": 0.295,
self._pgv: {
"C1": 3.47,
"C2": 2.35,
"C3": 2.10,
"C4": 3.40,
"T1": 0.76,
"T2": 5.00,
"SMMI": 0.98,
"SPGM": 0.282,
[docs] def getPreferredMI(self, df, dists=None, mag=None):
if "PGA" not in df or "PGV" not in df:
if "PGV" in df:
oqimt = imt.from_string("PGV")
return self.getMIfromGM(df["PGV"], oqimt, dists, mag)[0]
elif "PGA" in df:
oqimt = imt.from_string("PGA")
return self.getMIfromGM(df["PGA"], oqimt, dists, mag)[0]
return None
oqimt = imt.from_string("PGA")
mmi_pga = self.getMIfromGM(df["PGA"], oqimt, dists, mag)[0]
ix_nan_pga = np.isnan(mmi_pga)
oqimt = imt.from_string("PGV")
mmi_pgv = self.getMIfromGM(df["PGV"], oqimt, dists, mag)[0]
ix_nan_pgv = np.isnan(mmi_pgv)
ix_nan = ix_nan_pga | ix_nan_pgv
vscale = np.zeros_like(mmi_pga)
vscale[~ix_nan] = (mmi_pga[~ix_nan] - 5) / 2
vscale[vscale < 0] = 0
vscale[vscale > 1] = 1
ascale = 1 - vscale
mmi = np.full_like(mmi_pga, np.nan)
mmi[~ix_nan] = np.clip(
mmi_pga[~ix_nan] * ascale[~ix_nan] + mmi_pgv[~ix_nan] * vscale[~ix_nan],
mmi[ix_nan_pgv] = mmi_pga[ix_nan_pgv]
mmi[ix_nan_pga] = mmi_pgv[ix_nan_pga]
ix_nan = np.isnan(mmi)
mmi95 = np.full_like(mmi, False, dtype=bool)
mmi95[~ix_nan] = mmi[~ix_nan] > 9.5
mmi[mmi95] = 10.0
return mmi
[docs] def getMIfromGM(self, amps, imt, dists=None, mag=None):
Function to compute macroseismic intensity from ground-motion
intensity. Supported ground-motion IMTs are PGA and PGV
amps (ndarray):
Ground motion amplitude; natural log units; g for PGA and
PSA, cm/s for PGV.
imt (OpenQuake IMT):
Type the input amps (must be one of PGA or PGV).
`[link] <http://docs.openquake.org/oq-hazardlib/master/imt.html>`
dists (ndarray):
Numpy array of distances from rupture (km). This parameter
is ignored by this GMICE.
mag (float):
Earthquake magnitude. This parameter is ignored by this
ndarray of Modified Mercalli Intensity and ndarray of
dMMI / dln(amp) (i.e., the slope of the relationship at the
point in question).
""" # noqa
lfact = np.log10(np.e)
c = self._getConsts(imt)
ix_nan = np.isnan(amps)
# Convert (for accelerations) from ln(g) to cm/s^2
# then take the log10
if imt == self._pga:
units = 981.0
units = 1.0
# Math: log10(981 * exp(amps)) = log10(981) + log10(exp(amps))
# = log10(981) + amps * log10(e)
# For PGV, just convert ln(amp) to log10(amp) by multiplying
# by log10(e)
lamps = np.zeros_like(amps)
lamps[~ix_nan] = np.log10(units) + amps[~ix_nan] * lfact
mmi = np.full_like(amps, np.nan)
dmmi_damp = np.zeros_like(amps)
# This is the upper segment of the bi-linear fit
idx = lamps >= c["T1"]
mmi[idx] = c["C2"] + c["C1"] * lamps[idx]
dmmi_damp[idx] = c["C1"] * lfact
# This is the lower segment of the bi-linear fit
idx = lamps < c["T1"]
mmi[idx] = c["C4"] + c["C3"] * lamps[idx]
dmmi_damp[idx] = c["C3"] * lfact
mmi = np.clip(mmi, 1.0, 10.0)
mmi[ix_nan] = np.nan
return mmi, dmmi_damp
[docs] def getGMfromMI(self, mmi, imt, dists=None, mag=None):
Function to tcompute ground-motion intensity from macroseismic
intensity. Supported IMTs are PGA and PGV.
mmi (ndarray):
Macroseismic intensity.
imt (OpenQuake IMT):
IMT of the requested ground-motions intensities (must be
one of PGA or PGV).
`[link] <http://docs.openquake.org/oq-hazardlib/master/imt.html>`
dists (ndarray):
Rupture distances (km) to the corresponding MMIs. This
parameter is ignored by this GMICE.
mag (float):
Earthquake magnitude. This parameter is ignored by this
Ndarray of ground motion intensity in natural log of g for PGA
and PSA, and natural log cm/s for PGV; ndarray of dln(amp) / dMMI
(i.e., the slope of the relationship at the point in question).
""" # noqa
lfact = np.log10(np.e)
c = self._getConsts(imt)
mmi = mmi.copy()
ix_nan = np.isnan(mmi)
mmi[ix_nan] = 1.0
pgm = np.zeros_like(mmi)
dpgm_dmmi = np.zeros_like(mmi)
# Upper segment of bi-linear relationship
idx = mmi >= c["T2"]
pgm[idx] = np.power(10, (mmi[idx] - c["C2"]) / c["C1"])
dpgm_dmmi[idx] = 1.0 / (c["C1"] * lfact)
# Lower segment of bi-linear relationship
idx = mmi < c["T2"]
pgm[idx] = np.power(10, (mmi[idx] - c["C4"]) / c["C3"])
dpgm_dmmi[idx] = 1.0 / (c["C3"] * lfact)
if imt != self._pgv:
units = 981.0
units = 1.0
pgm /= units
pgm = np.log(pgm)
pgm[ix_nan] = np.nan
dpgm_dmmi[ix_nan] = np.nan
return pgm, dpgm_dmmi
[docs] def getGM2MIsd(self):
Return a dictionary of standard deviations for the ground-motion
to MMI conversion. The keys are the ground motion types.
Dictionary of GM to MI sigmas (in MMI units).
return {
self._pga: self.__constants[self._pga]["SMMI"],
self._pgv: self.__constants[self._pgv]["SMMI"],
[docs] def getMI2GMsd(self):
Return a dictionary of standard deviations for the MMI
to ground-motion conversion. The keys are the ground motion
Dictionary of MI to GM sigmas (ln(PGM) units).
# Need to convert log10 to ln units
lfact = np.log(10.0)
return {
self._pga: lfact * self.__constants[self._pga]["SPGM"],
self._pgv: lfact * self.__constants[self._pgv]["SPGM"],
def _getConsts(self, imt):
Helper function to get the constants.
if imt != self._pga and imt != self._pgv:
raise ValueError("Invalid IMT " + str(imt))
return self.__constants[imt]