Source code for shakelib.multigmpe

#!/usr/bin/env python

import copy
from importlib import import_module
import logging

import numpy as np

from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import GMPE
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.boore_2014 import BooreEtAl2014
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.campbell_bozorgnia_2014 import CampbellBozorgnia2014
from openquake.hazardlib.imt import PGA, PGV, SA
from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.valid import gsim
from openquake.hazardlib.contexts import RuptureContext

from shakelib.conversions.imt.abrahamson_bhasin_2020 import AbrahamsonBhasin2020
from shakelib.conversions.imc.boore_kishida_2017 import BooreKishida2017
from shakelib.sites import Sites
from shakelib.multiutils import gmpe_gmas

# Special case GMPEs:
from shakelib.gmpe.nga_east import NGAEast

[docs]def set_sites_depth_parameters(sites, gmpe): """ Need to select the appropriate z1pt0 value for different GMPEs. Note that these are required site parameters, so even though OQ has these equations built into the class in most cases. I have submitted an issue to OQ requesting subclasses of these methods that do not require the depth parameters in the SitesContext to make this easier. Args: sites:1 An OQ sites context. gmpe: An OQ GMPE instance. Returns: An OQ sites context with the depth parameters set for the requested GMPE. """ if gmpe == "[MultiGMPE]": return sites Sites._addDepthParameters(sites) if ( gmpe == "[AbrahamsonEtAl2014]" or gmpe == "[AbrahamsonEtAl2014]\nregion = 'TWN'" or gmpe == "[AbrahamsonEtAl2014]\nregion = 'CHN'" ): sites.z1pt0 = sites.z1pt0_ask14_cal if gmpe == "[AbrahamsonEtAl2014]\nregion = 'JPN'": sites.z1pt0 = sites.z1pt0_ask14_jpn if gmpe == "[ChiouYoungs2014]" or isinstance(gmpe, BooreEtAl2014): sites.z1pt0 = sites.z1pt0_cy14_cal if isinstance(gmpe, CampbellBozorgnia2014): if ( gmpe == "[CampbellBozorgnia2014JapanSite]" or gmpe == "[CampbellBozorgnia2014HighQJapanSite]" or gmpe == "[CampbellBozorgnia2014LowQJapanSite]" ): sites.z2pt5 = sites.z2pt5_cb14_jpn else: sites.z2pt5 = sites.z2pt5_cb14_cal if ( gmpe == "[ChiouYoungs2008]" or gmpe == "[Bradley2013]" or gmpe == "[Bradley2013Volc]" ): sites.z1pt0 = sites.z1pt0_cy08 if gmpe == "[CampbellBozorgnia2008]": sites.z2pt5 = sites.z2pt5_cb07 if gmpe == "[AbrahamsonSilva2008]": sites.z1pt0 = gmpe._compute_median_z1pt0(sites.vs30) return sites
[docs]def stuff_context(sites, rup, dists): """ Function to fill a rupture context with the contents of all of the other contexts. Args: sites (SiteCollection): A SiteCollection object. rup (RuptureContext): A RuptureContext object. dists (DistanceContext): A DistanceContext object. Returns: RuptureContext: A new RuptureContext whose attributes are all of the elements of the three inputs. """ ctx = RuptureContext() for name in [name for name in vars(sites) if not name.startswith("__")]: setattr(ctx, name, getattr(sites, name)) for name in [name for name in vars(rup) if not name.startswith("__")]: setattr(ctx, name, getattr(rup, name)) for name in [name for name in vars(dists) if not name.startswith("__")]: setattr(ctx, name, getattr(dists, name)) ctx.occurrence_rate = 1e-5 return ctx
[docs]def get_gmpe_from_name(name, conf): # Only import the NullGMPE when we're testing # We'll want to import any other GMPEs we add at the top of this module # so that gsim() picks them up; anything in OQ is already included if name == "NullGMPE": mod = import_module(conf["gmpe_modules"][name][1]) return gsim(name)
[docs] def get_mean_and_stddevs(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types): """ See superclass `method <>`__. Unlike the superclass method, the stddev list returned by this function will have twice as many arrays as are requested in stddev_types: The first set will include the standard deviation inflation due to the point-source to finite fault conversion (if any), and the second set will not include this inflation. In the case where a finite rupture is provided (and, thus, no point-source to finite rupture adjustments are made) the two sets of stddev arrays will be identical. Thus, if:: stddev_types = [const.StdDev.TOTAL, const.StdDev.INTRA_EVENT, const.StdDev.INTER_EVENT] the returned stddev list will contain six arrays: the first three will include the point-source inflation, and the second three will not. """ # noqa # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sort out shapes of the sites and dists elements # Need to turn all 2D arrays into 1D arrays because of # inconsistencies in how arrays are handled in OpenQuake. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- shapes = [] for k, v in sites.__dict__.items(): if k == "_slots_": continue if (k != "lons") and (k != "lats"): shapes.append(v.shape) sites.__dict__[k] = np.reshape(sites.__dict__[k], (-1,)) for k, v in dists.__dict__.items(): if k == "_slots_": continue if (k != "lons") and (k != "lats") and v is not None: shapes.append(v.shape) dists.__dict__[k] = np.reshape(dists.__dict__[k], (-1,)) shapeset = set(shapes) if len(shapeset) != 1: raise Exception("All dists and sites elements must have same shape.") else: orig_shape = list(shapeset)[0] sd_avail = self.DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES if not sd_avail.issuperset(set(stddev_types)): raise Exception("Requested an unavailable stddev_type.") # Evaluate MultiGMPE: lnmu, lnsd = self.__get_mean_and_stddevs__(sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types) # Check for large-distance cutoff/weights if hasattr(self, "CUTOFF_DISTANCE"): lnmu_large, lnsd_large = self.__get_mean_and_stddevs__( sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types, large_dist=True ) # Stomp on lnmu and lnsd at large distances dist_cutoff = self.CUTOFF_DISTANCE lnmu[dists.rjb > dist_cutoff] = lnmu_large[dists.rjb > dist_cutoff] for i in range(len(lnsd)): lnsd[i][dists.rjb > dist_cutoff] = lnsd_large[i][ dists.rjb > dist_cutoff ] # Undo reshapes of inputs for k, v in dists.__dict__.items(): if k == "_slots_": continue if (k != "lons") and (k != "lats") and v is not None: dists.__dict__[k] = np.reshape(dists.__dict__[k], orig_shape) for k, v in sites.__dict__.items(): if k == "_slots_": continue if (k != "lons") and (k != "lats"): sites.__dict__[k] = np.reshape(sites.__dict__[k], orig_shape) # Reshape output lnmu = np.reshape(lnmu, orig_shape) for i in range(len(lnsd)): lnsd[i] = np.reshape(lnsd[i], orig_shape) return lnmu, lnsd
def __get_mean_and_stddevs__( self, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types, large_dist=False ): # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sort out which set of weights to use # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if large_dist is False: wts = self.WEIGHTS else: wts = self.WEIGHTS_LARGE_DISTANCE # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the array to hold the weighted combination of the GMPEs # --------------------------------------------------------------------- lnmu = np.zeros_like(sites.vs30) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Hold on to the individual means and stddevs so we can compute the # combined stddev # --------------------------------------------------------------------- lnmu_list = [] lnsd_list = [] for i, gmpe in enumerate(self.GMPES): # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Loop over GMPE list # ----------------------------------------------------------------- set_sites_depth_parameters(sites, gmpe) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Select the IMT # ----------------------------------------------------------------- gmpe_imts = [ imt.__name__ for imt in list(gmpe.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES) ] if ( not isinstance(gmpe, MultiGMPE) and (imt.string == "PGV") and ("PGV" not in gmpe_imts) ): ab2020 = AbrahamsonBhasin2020(rup.mag) timt = SA(ab2020.getTref()) else: timt = imt # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Grab GMPE_LIMITS in gmpe instance for later as the multigmpe # nests downward. # ----------------------------------------------------------------- if hasattr(self, "GMPE_LIMITS"): # Remember that GMPE_LIMITS is only present if it is getting # loaded from a config... we could change this eventually. gmpe.GMPE_LIMITS = self.GMPE_LIMITS # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Apply GMPE_LIMITS if applicable # ----------------------------------------------------------------- if hasattr(gmpe, "GMPE_LIMITS"): gmpes_with_limits = list(gmpe.GMPE_LIMITS.keys()) gmpe_class_str = str(gmpe).replace("[", "").replace("]", "") if gmpe_class_str in gmpes_with_limits: limit_dict = gmpe.GMPE_LIMITS[gmpe_class_str] for k, v in limit_dict.items(): if k == "vs30": vs30min = float(v[0]) vs30max = float(v[1]) sites.vs30 = np.clip(sites.vs30, vs30min, vs30max) Sites._addDepthParameters(sites) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Evaluate # ----------------------------------------------------------------- if not isinstance(gmpe, MultiGMPE): ctx = stuff_context(sites, rup, dists) lmean, lsd = gmpe_gmas(gmpe, ctx, timt, stddev_types) else: lmean, lsd = gmpe.get_mean_and_stddevs( sites, rup, dists, timt, stddev_types ) if not isinstance(gmpe, MultiGMPE): # ------------------------------------------------------------- # We may need to inflate the standard deviations to account for # the point-source to finite rupture conversion. # ------------------------------------------------------------- lsd_new = self.__inflatePSSigma__( gmpe, lmean, lsd, sites, rup, dists, timt, stddev_types ) for sd in lsd: lsd_new.append(sd) lsd = lsd_new # ------------------------------------------------------------- # If IMT is PGV and PGV is not given by the GMPE, then # convert from the appropriate PSA # ------------------------------------------------------------- if (imt.string == "PGV") and ("PGV" not in gmpe_imts): lmean, lsd = ab2020.getPGVandSTDDEVS( lmean, lsd, stddev_types, ctx.rrup, ctx.vs30 ) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- if self.HAS_SITE[i] is False: lamps = self.__get_site_factors__( sites, rup, dists, timt, default=True ) lmean = lmean + lamps # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Convertions due to component definition # ------------------------------------------------------------- imc_in = gmpe.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT imc_out = self.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT if imc_in != imc_out: bk17 = BooreKishida2017(imc_in, imc_out) lmean = bk17.convertAmps(imt, lmean, dists.rrup, rup.mag) # # The extra sigma from the component conversion appears to # apply to the total sigma, so the question arises as to # how to apportion it between the intra- and inter-event # sigma. Here we assume it all enters as intra-event sigma. # for j, stddev_type in enumerate(stddev_types): if stddev_type == const.StdDev.INTER_EVENT: continue lsd[j] = bk17.convertSigmas(imt, lsd[j]) # End: if GMPE is not MultiGMPE # # At this point lsd will have 2 * len(stddev_types) entries, the # first group will have the point-source to finite rupture # inflation (if any), and the second set will not; in cases where # a finite rupture is used, the two sets will be identical # # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Compute weighted mean and collect the elements to compute sd # ----------------------------------------------------------------- lnmu = lnmu + wts[i] * lmean lnmu_list.append(lmean) lnsd_list = lnsd_list + lsd # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # The mean is a weighted sum of random variables, so the stddev # is the weighted sum of of their covariances (effectively). See: # # for an explanation. Also see: # # for a discussion on the way this is implemented here. # -------------------------------------------------------------- # noqa nwts = len(wts) npwts = np.array(wts).reshape((1, -1)) nsites = len(lnmu) # Find the correlation coefficients among the gmpes; if there are # fewer than 10 points, just use an approximation (noting that the # correlation among GMPEs tends to be quite high). if nsites < 10: cc = np.full((nwts, nwts), 0.95) np.fill_diagonal(cc, 1.0) else: np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore") cc = np.reshape(np.corrcoef(lnmu_list), (nwts, nwts)) np.seterr(divide="warn", invalid="warn") cc[np.isnan(cc)] = 1.0 # Multiply the correlation coefficients by the weights matrix # (this is cheaper than multiplying all of elements of each # stddev array by their weights since we have to multiply # everything by the correlation coefficient matrix anyway)) cc = ((npwts * npwts.T) * cc).reshape((nwts, nwts, 1)) nstds = len(stddev_types) lnsd_new = [] for i in range(nstds * 2): sdlist = [] for j in range(nwts): sdlist.append(lnsd_list[j * nstds * 2 + i].reshape((1, 1, -1))) sdstack = np.hstack(sdlist) wcov = (sdstack * np.transpose(sdstack, axes=(1, 0, 2))) * cc # This sums the weighted covariance as each point in the output lnsd_new.append(np.sqrt(wcov.sum((0, 1)))) return lnmu, lnsd_new @classmethod def __from_config__(cls, conf, filter_imt=None): """ Construct a MultiGMPE from a config file. Args: conf (dict): Dictionary of config options. filter_imt (IMT): An optional IMT to filter/reweight the GMPE list. Returns: MultiGMPE object. """ IMC = getattr(const.IMC, conf["interp"]["component"]) selected_gmpe = conf["modeling"]["gmpe"] logging.debug(f"selected_gmpe: {selected_gmpe}") logging.debug(f"IMC: {IMC}") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow for selected_gmpe to be found in either conf['gmpe_sets'] or # conf['gmpe_modules'], if it is a GMPE set, then all entries must be # either a GMPE or a GMPE set (cannot have a GMPE set that is a mix of # GMPEs and GMPE sets). # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if selected_gmpe in conf["gmpe_sets"].keys(): selected_gmpe_sets = conf["gmpe_sets"][selected_gmpe]["gmpes"] gmpe_set_weights = [ float(w) for w in conf["gmpe_sets"][selected_gmpe]["weights"] ] logging.debug(f"selected_gmpe_sets: {selected_gmpe_sets}") logging.debug(f"gmpe_set_weights: {gmpe_set_weights}") # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # If it is a GMPE set, does it contain GMPEs or GMPE sets? # ----------------------------------------------------------------- set_of_gmpes = all([s in conf["gmpe_modules"] for s in selected_gmpe_sets]) set_of_sets = all([s in conf["gmpe_sets"] for s in selected_gmpe_sets]) if set_of_sets is True: mgmpes = [] for s in selected_gmpe_sets: mgmpes.append( cls.__multigmpe_from_gmpe_set__(conf, s, filter_imt=filter_imt) ) out = MultiGMPE.__from_list__(mgmpes, gmpe_set_weights, imc=IMC) elif set_of_gmpes is True: out = cls.__multigmpe_from_gmpe_set__( conf, selected_gmpe, filter_imt=filter_imt ) else: raise TypeError( "%s must consist exclusively of keys in " "conf['gmpe_modules'] or conf['gmpe_sets']" % selected_gmpe ) elif selected_gmpe in conf["gmpe_modules"].keys(): modinfo = conf["gmpe_modules"][selected_gmpe] # mod = import_module(modinfo[1]) # tmpclass = getattr(mod, modinfo[0]) # out = MultiGMPE.__from_list__([tmpclass()], [1.0], imc=IMC) out = MultiGMPE.__from_list__( [get_gmpe_from_name(modinfo[0], conf)], [1.0], imc=IMC ) else: raise TypeError( "conf['modeling']['gmpe'] must be a key in " "conf['gmpe_modules'] or conf['gmpe_sets']" ) out.DESCRIPTION = selected_gmpe # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Deal with GMPE limits # --------------------------------------------------------------------- gmpe_lims = conf["gmpe_limits"] # We need to replace the short name in the dictionary key with module # name here since the conf is not available within the MultiGMPE class. mods = conf["gmpe_modules"] mod_keys = mods.keys() new_gmpe_lims = {} for k, v in gmpe_lims.items(): if k in mod_keys: new_gmpe_lims[mods[k][0]] = v else: new_gmpe_lims[k] = v out.GMPE_LIMITS = new_gmpe_lims return out def __multigmpe_from_gmpe_set__(conf, set_name, filter_imt=None): """ Private method for constructing a MultiGMPE from a set_name. Args: conf (ConfigObj): A ShakeMap config object. filter_imt (IMT): An optional IMT to filter/reweight the GMPE list. set_name (str): Set name; must correspond to a key in conf['set_name']. Returns: MultiGMPE. """ IMC = getattr(const.IMC, conf["interp"]["component"]) selected_gmpes = conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name]["gmpes"] selected_gmpe_weights = [ float(w) for w in conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name]["weights"] ] # Check for large distance GMPEs if "weights_large_dist" in conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name].keys(): if not conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name]["weights_large_dist"]: selected_weights_large_dist = None else: selected_weights_large_dist = [ float(w) for w in conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name]["weights_large_dist"] ] else: selected_weights_large_dist = None if "dist_cutoff" in conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name].keys(): if np.isnan(conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name]["dist_cutoff"]): selected_dist_cutoff = None else: selected_dist_cutoff = float(conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name]["dist_cutoff"]) else: selected_dist_cutoff = None if "site_gmpes" in conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name].keys(): if not conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name]["site_gmpes"]: selected_site_gmpes = None else: selected_site_gmpes = conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name]["site_gmpes"] else: selected_site_gmpes = None if "weights_site_gmpes" in conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name].keys(): if not conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name]["weights_site_gmpes"]: selected_weights_site_gmpes = None else: selected_weights_site_gmpes = conf["gmpe_sets"][set_name][ "weights_site_gmpes" ] else: selected_weights_site_gmpes = None # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import GMPE modules and initialize classes into list # --------------------------------------------------------------------- gmpes = [] for g in selected_gmpes: # This is the old school way of importing the modules; I'm # leaving it in here temporarily just for documentation. # mod = import_module(conf['gmpe_modules'][g][1]) # tmpclass = getattr(mod, conf['gmpe_modules'][g][0]) # gmpes.append(tmpclass()) gmpe_name = conf["gmpe_modules"][g][0] gmpes.append(get_gmpe_from_name(gmpe_name, conf)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Filter out GMPEs not applicable to this period # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if filter_imt is not None: filtered_gmpes, filtered_wts = filter_gmpe_list( gmpes, selected_gmpe_weights, filter_imt ) else: filtered_gmpes, filtered_wts = gmpes, selected_gmpe_weights # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import site GMPEs # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if selected_site_gmpes is not None: if isinstance(selected_site_gmpes, str): selected_site_gmpes = [selected_site_gmpes] site_gmpes = [] for g in selected_site_gmpes: # This is the old school way of importing the modules; I'm # leaving it in here temporarily just for documentation. # mod = import_module(conf['gmpe_modules'][g][1]) # tmpclass = getattr(mod, conf['gmpe_modules'][g][0]) # site_gmpes.append(tmpclass()) gmpe_name = conf["gmpe_modules"][g][0] site_gmpes.append(get_gmpe_from_name(gmpe_name, conf)) else: site_gmpes = None # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Filter out site GMPEs not applicable to this period # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if site_gmpes is not None: if filter_imt is not None: filtered_site_gmpes, filtered_site_wts = filter_gmpe_list( site_gmpes, selected_weights_site_gmpes, filter_imt ) else: filtered_site_gmpes = copy.copy(site_gmpes) filtered_site_wts = copy.copy(selected_weights_site_gmpes) else: filtered_site_gmpes = None filtered_site_wts = None # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Construct MultiGMPE # --------------------------------------------------------------------- logging.debug(f" filtered_gmpes: {filtered_gmpes}") logging.debug(f" filtered_wts: {filtered_wts}") mgmpe = MultiGMPE.__from_list__( filtered_gmpes, filtered_wts, default_gmpes_for_site=filtered_site_gmpes, default_gmpes_for_site_weights=filtered_site_wts, imc=IMC, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Append large-distance info if specified # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if selected_dist_cutoff is not None: if filter_imt is not None: filtered_gmpes_ld, filtered_wts_ld = filter_gmpe_list( gmpes, selected_weights_large_dist, filter_imt ) else: filtered_wts_ld = copy.copy(selected_weights_large_dist) mgmpe.CUTOFF_DISTANCE = copy.copy(selected_dist_cutoff) mgmpe.WEIGHTS_LARGE_DISTANCE = copy.copy(filtered_wts_ld) mgmpe.DESCRIPTION = set_name return mgmpe @classmethod def __from_list__( cls, gmpes, weights, imc=const.IMC.GREATER_OF_TWO_HORIZONTAL, default_gmpes_for_site=None, default_gmpes_for_site_weights=None, reference_vs30=760, ): """ Construct a MultiGMPE instance from lists of GMPEs and weights. Args: gmpes (list): List of OpenQuake `GMPE <>`__ instances. weights (list): List of weights; must sum to 1.0. imc: Requested intensity measure component. Must be one listed `here <>`__. The amplitudes returned by the GMPEs will be converted to this IMT. Default is 'GREATER_OF_TWO_HORIZONTAL', which is used by ShakeMap. See discussion in `this section <>`__ of the ShakeMap manual. default_gmpes_for_site (list): Optional list of OpenQuake GMPE instance to use as a site term for any of the GMPEs that do not have a site term. Notes: * We do not check for consistency in the reference rock defintion, so the user nees to be aware of this issue and holds responsibiilty for ensuring compatibility. * We check whether or not a GMPE has a site term by c hecking the REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS slot for vs30. default_gmpes_for_site_weights: Weights for default_gmpes_for_site. Must sum to one and be same length as default_gmpes_for_site. If None, then weights are set to be equal. reference_vs30: Reference rock Vs30 in m/s. We do not check that this matches the reference rock in the GMPEs so this is the responsibility of the user. """ # noqa # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that GMPE weights sum to 1.0: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if np.abs(np.sum(weights) - 1.0) > 1e-7: raise Exception("Weights must sum to one.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that length of GMPE weights equals length of gmpe list # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if len(weights) != len(gmpes): raise Exception("Length of weights must match length of GMPE list.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that gmpes is a list of OQ GMPE instances # --------------------------------------------------------------------- for g in gmpes: if not isinstance(g, GMPE): raise Exception(f'"{g}" is a {type(g)} not a GMPE instance.') self = cls() self.GMPES = gmpes self.WEIGHTS = weights # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Combine the intensity measure types. This is problematic: # - Logically, we should only include the intersection of the sets # of imts for the different GMPEs. # - In practice, this is not feasible because most GMPEs in CEUS and # subduction zones do not have PGV. # - So instead we will use the union of the imts and then convert # to get the missing imts later in get_mean_and_stddevs. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- imts = [set(g.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES) for g in gmpes] self.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES = set.union(*imts) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # For VirtualIPE class, we also want to know if ALL of the GMPEs are # defined for PGV, in which case we will convert from PGV to MI, # otherwise use PGA or Sa. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- haspgv = [PGV in set(g.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES) for g in gmpes] self.ALL_GMPES_HAVE_PGV = all(haspgv) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Store intensity measure types for conversion in get_mean_and_stddevs. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.IMCs = [g.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT for g in gmpes] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Store the component # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT = imc # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Intersection of GMPE standard deviation types # --------------------------------------------------------------------- stdlist = [set(g.DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES) for g in gmpes] self.DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES = set.intersection(*stdlist) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Need union of site parameters, but it is complicated by the # different depth parameter flavors. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sitepars = [set(g.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS) for g in gmpes] self.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set.union(*sitepars) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Construct a list of whether or not each GMPE has a site term # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.HAS_SITE = ["vs30" in g.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS for g in gmpes] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Checks and sort out defaults # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # things to check if default_gmpes_for_site is provided if default_gmpes_for_site is not None: # check that default_gmpe_for_site are OQ GMPEs or None for g in default_gmpes_for_site: if not isinstance(g, GMPE): raise Exception(f'"{g}" is not a GMPE instance.') # apply default weights if necessary if default_gmpes_for_site_weights is None: n = len(default_gmpes_for_site) default_gmpes_for_site_weights = [1 / n] * n # Things to check if one or more GMPE does not have a site term if not all(self.HAS_SITE): # Raise an exception if no default site is provided if default_gmpes_for_site is None: raise Exception( "Must provide default_gmpes_for_site if one or" " more GMPE does not have site term." ) # If weights are unspecified, use equal weight if default_gmpes_for_site_weights is None: default_gmpes_for_site_weights = [ 1 / len(default_gmpes_for_site) ] * len(default_gmpes_for_site) # check that length of default_gmpe_for_site matches length of # default_gmpe_for_site_weights if len(default_gmpes_for_site_weights) != len(default_gmpes_for_site): raise Exception( "Length of default_gmpes_for_site_weights " "must match length of default_gmpes_for_site " "list." ) # check weights sum to one if needed if not all(self.HAS_SITE): if np.sum(default_gmpes_for_site_weights) != 1.0: raise Exception( "default_gmpes_for_site_weights must sum" " to one." ) # Note: if ALL of the GMPEs do not have a site term (requiring Vs30), # then REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS for the MultiGMPE will not # include Vs30 even though it will be needed to compute the # default site term. So if the site checks have passed to this # point, we should add Vs30 to the set of required site pars: self.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS = set.union( set(self.REQUIRES_SITES_PARAMETERS), set(["vs30"]) ) self.DEFAULT_GMPES_FOR_SITE = default_gmpes_for_site self.DEFAULT_GMPES_FOR_SITE_WEIGHTS = default_gmpes_for_site_weights self.REFERENCE_VS30 = reference_vs30 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Union of rupture parameters # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ruppars = [set(g.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS) for g in gmpes] self.REQUIRES_RUPTURE_PARAMETERS = set.union(*ruppars) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Union of distance parameters # --------------------------------------------------------------------- distpars = [set(g.REQUIRES_DISTANCES) for g in gmpes] self.REQUIRES_DISTANCES = set.union(*distpars) return self def __get_site_factors__(self, sites, rup, dists, imt, default=False): """ Method for computing site amplification factors from the defalut GMPE to be applied to GMPEs which do not have a site term. **NOTE** Amps are calculated in natural log units and so the ln(amp) is returned. Args: sites (SitesContext): Instance of SitesContext. rup (RuptureContext): Instance of RuptureContext. dists (DistancesContext): Instance of DistancesContext. imt: An instance openquake.hazardlib.imt. default (bool): Boolean of whether or not to return the amplificaiton factors for the gmpes or default_gmpes_for_site. This argument is primarily only intended to be used internally for when we just need to access the default amplifications to apply to those GMPEs that do not have site terms. Returns: Site amplifications in natural log units. """ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make reference sites context # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ref_sites = copy.deepcopy(sites) ref_sites.vs30 = np.full_like(sites.vs30, self.REFERENCE_VS30) # TODO: Should we reset the Sites depth parameters here? Probably. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # If default True, construct new MultiGMPE with default GMPE/weights # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if default is True: tmp = MultiGMPE.__from_list__( self.DEFAULT_GMPES_FOR_SITE, self.DEFAULT_GMPES_FOR_SITE_WEIGHTS, self.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_COMPONENT, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # If default False, just use self # --------------------------------------------------------------------- else: tmp = self lmean, lsd = tmp.get_mean_and_stddevs( sites, rup, dists, imt, list(tmp.DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES) ) lmean_ref, lsd = tmp.get_mean_and_stddevs( ref_sites, rup, dists, imt, list(tmp.DEFINED_FOR_STANDARD_DEVIATION_TYPES) ) lamps = lmean - lmean_ref return lamps def __describe__(self): """ Construct a dictionary that describes the MultiGMPE. Note: For simplicity, this method ignores issues related to GMPEs used for the site term and changes in the GMPE with distance. For this level of detail, please see the config files. Returns: A dictionary representation of the MultiGMPE. """ gmpe_dict = {"gmpes": [], "weights": [], "name": self.DESCRIPTION} for i in range(len(self.GMPES)): gmpe_dict["weights"].append(self.WEIGHTS[i]) if isinstance(self.GMPES[i], MultiGMPE): gmpe_dict["gmpes"].append(self.GMPES[i].__describe__()) else: gmpe_dict["gmpes"].append(str(self.GMPES[i])) return gmpe_dict def __inflatePSSigma__( self, gmpe, lmean, lsd, sites, rup, dists, imt, stddev_types ): """ If the point-source to finite-fault factors are used, we need to inflate the intra-event and total standard deviations. We do this by standard propagation of error techniques: taking the (numerical) derivative of the GMPE (as a function of distance) squared times the additional variance from the conversion, added to the variance of the GMPE (then taking the square root). We do this separately for each of Rrup and Rjb and sum the results. If Rrup and Rjb are calculated from a finite rupture model, their variance arrays will be "None" and lsd will remain unchanged. Otherwise the error inflation will be applied. Normally one or the other of Rrup/Rjb will not be used and so that term will be zero; in some cases both may be used and both may result in non-zero derivatives. Args: gmpe: The GMPE to use for the calculations. Must be a base GMPE and not a GMPE set, otherwise no action is taken. lmean: The mean values returned by the "normal" evaluation of the GMPE. lsd: The standard deviations returned by the "normal" evaluation of the GMPE. sites: The sites context required by the GMPE. rup: The rupture context required by the GMPE. dists: The distance context required by the GMPE. imt: The intensity measure type being evaluated. stddev_types: The list of stddev types found in lsd. Returns: list: A list of arrays of inflated standard deviations corresponding to the elements of lsd. """ new_sd = [] delta_distance = 0.01 delta_var = [0, 0] for i, dtype in enumerate(("rrup", "rjb")): # Skip dtype if the gmpe does not require it if dtype not in gmpe.REQUIRES_DISTANCES: continue # Skip dtype if it has not been subject to a point-source to # finite rupture conversion dvar = getattr(dists, dtype + "_var", None) if dvar is None: continue # Add a small amound to the rupture distance (rrup or rjb) # and re-evaluate the GMPE rup_dist = getattr(dists, dtype) rup_dist += delta_distance ctx = stuff_context(sites, rup, dists) tmean, tsd = gmpe_gmas(gmpe, ctx, imt, stddev_types) # Find the derivative w.r.t. the rupture distance dm_dr = (lmean - tmean) / delta_distance # The additional variance is (dm/dr)^2 * dvar delta_var[i] = dm_dr ** 2 * dvar # Put the rupture distance back to what it was rup_dist -= delta_distance for i, stdtype in enumerate(stddev_types): if stdtype == const.StdDev.INTER_EVENT: new_sd.append(lsd[i].copy()) continue new_sd.append(np.sqrt(lsd[i] ** 2 + delta_var[0] + delta_var[1])) return new_sd
[docs]def filter_gmpe_list(gmpes, wts, imt): """ Method to remove GMPEs from the GMPE list that are not applicable to a specific IMT. Rescales the weights to sum to one. Args: gmpes (list): List of GMPE instances. wts (list): List of floats indicating the weight of the GMPEs. imt (IMT): OQ IMT to filter GMPE list for. Returns: tuple: List of GMPE instances and list of weights. """ if wts is None: n = len(gmpes) wts = [1 / n] * n per_max = [np.max(get_gmpe_sa_periods(g)) for g in gmpes] per_min = [np.min(get_gmpe_sa_periods(g)) for g in gmpes] if imt == PGA(): sgmpe = [g for g in gmpes if PGA in g.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES] swts = [ w for g, w in zip(gmpes, wts) if PGA in g.DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES ] elif imt == PGV(): sgmpe = [] swts = [] for i in range(len(gmpes)): if (PGV in gmpes[i].DEFINED_FOR_INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPES) or ( per_max[i] >= 1.0 and per_min[i] <= 1.0 ): sgmpe.append(gmpes[i]) swts.append(wts[i]) else: per = imt.period sgmpe = [] swts = [] for i in range(len(gmpes)): if per_max[i] >= per and per_min[i] <= per: sgmpe.append(gmpes[i]) swts.append(wts[i]) if len(sgmpe) == 0: raise KeyError(f"No applicable GMPEs from GMPE list for {str(imt)}") # Scale weights to sum to one swts = np.array(swts) swts = swts / np.sum(swts) return sgmpe, swts
[docs]def get_gmpe_sa_periods(gmpe): """ Method to extract the SA periods defined by a GMPE. Args: gmpe (GMPE): A GMPE instance. Retunrs: list: List of periods. """ if gmpe == "[NGAEast]": per = gmpe.per_array else: ctab = get_gmpe_coef_table(gmpe).sa_coeffs ilist = list(ctab.keys()) per = [i.period for i in ilist] return per
[docs]def get_gmpe_coef_table(gmpe): """ Method for finding the (or "a") GMPE table. Notes: * The reason for the complexity here is that there can be multiple coefficient tables, and some of them may not have the sa_coeffs attribute, which is the main reason for getting the table. * We are also assuming that if there are more than one coefficient table, the range of periods will be the same across all of the tables. Args: gmpe (GMPE): An OQ GMPE instance. Returns: The associated coefficient table. """ stuff = gmpe.__dir__() coef_list = [s for s in stuff if "COEFFS" in s] for coef_sel in coef_list: cobj = getattr(gmpe, coef_sel) if "sa_coeffs" in cobj.__dir__(): return cobj raise Exception(f"GMPE {gmpe} does not contain sa_coeffs attribute.")