import numpy as np
import logging
from openquake.hazardlib import imt
from openquake.hazardlib import const
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.utils import OrthographicProjection
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import SitesContext
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import DistancesContext
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import RuptureContext
from strec.gmreg import Regionalizer
from impactutils.rupture.edge_rupture import EdgeRupture
from impactutils.rupture.quad_rupture import QuadRupture
from impactutils.rupture.base import Rupture
from shakelib.multigmpe import set_sites_depth_parameters
from shakelib.station import StationList
DEFAULT_ACTIVE_COEFFS = [27.24, 250.4, 579.1]
DEFAULT_STABLE_COEFFS = [63.4, 465.4, 581.3]
[docs]def replace_dyfi(stationfile, dyfi_xml, min_nresp=3):
"""Remove any non-instrumented data from station file, add DYFI.
stationfile (str): Existing station data file, presumed to
contain old DYFI data.
dyfi_xml (str): DYFI XML data file, which will be added to
instrumented station data.
min_nresp (int): The minimum number of DYFI responses required for an
observation to be added to the stationlist. Default = 3.
StationList: Object containing merged data.
stations = StationList.loadFromFiles([stationfile], min_nresp=1)
# reach into the internal database and find the instrumented stations
conn = stations.db
cursor = stations.cursor
query1 = (
"SELECT id from station WHERE instrumented = "
'0 and (network = "DYFI" or network="CIIM")'
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:
sid = row[0]
query2 = f'DELETE FROM amp WHERE station_id="{sid}"'
query3 = f'DELETE FROM station where id="{sid}"'
# now insert the dyfi data
stations.addData([dyfi_xml], min_nresp)
return stations
[docs]def get_extent(config, ipe, rupture=None):
Method to compute map extent from rupture. There are numerous methods for
getting the extent:
- It can be specified directly in the config file,
- it can be hard coded for specific magnitude ranges in the config
file, or
- it can be based on the MultiGMPE for the event.
All methods except for the first require a rupture object.
If no config is provided then a rupture is required and the extent is based
on a generic set of active/stable.
config (ConfigObj):
ShakeMap config object.
ipe (VirtualIPE):
An VirtualIPE instance.
rupture (Rupture):
A ShakeMap Rupture instance.
tuple: lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax rounded outward to the nearest
30 arc seconds.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check to see what parameters are specified in the extent config
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
spans = {}
bounds = []
offsets = None
if "extent" in config:
if "magnitude_spans" in config["extent"]:
if len(config["extent"]["magnitude_spans"]):
if isinstance(config["extent"]["magnitude_spans"], dict):
spans = config["extent"]["magnitude_spans"]
if "bounds" in config["extent"]:
if "extent" in config["extent"]["bounds"]:
if config["extent"]["bounds"]["extent"][0] != -999.0:
bounds = config["extent"]["bounds"]["extent"]
if "relative_offset" in config["extent"]:
if isinstance(config["extent"]["relative_offset"], list):
offsets = config["extent"]["relative_offset"]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Simplest option: extent was specified in the config, use that and exit.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if len(bounds):
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bounds
return (
if not rupture or not isinstance(rupture, Rupture):
raise TypeError(
"get_extent() requires a rupture object if the extent "
"is not specified in the config object."
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Second simplest option: spans are hardcoded based on magnitude
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
extent = None
if len(spans):
extent = _get_extent_from_spans(rupture, spans)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Otherwise, use MultiGMPE to get spans
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if extent is None:
extent = _get_extent_from_multigmpe(rupture, config, ipe)
if offsets is None:
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent
return (
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Apply relative offsets
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) = extent
xspan = xmax - xmin
yspan = ymax - ymin
xmin += xspan * offsets[0]
xmax += xspan * offsets[0]
ymin += yspan * offsets[1]
ymax += yspan * offsets[1]
return (
def _get_extent_from_spans(rupture, spans=[]):
Choose extent based on magnitude using a hardcoded list of spans
based on magnitude ranges.
(clon, clat) = _rupture_center(rupture)
mag = rupture.getOrigin().mag
xmin = None
xmax = None
ymin = None
ymax = None
for spankey, span in spans.items():
if mag > span[0] and mag <= span[1]:
ymin = clat - span[2] / 2
ymax = clat + span[2] / 2
xmin = clon - span[3] / 2
xmax = clon + span[3] / 2
if xmin is not None:
return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
return None
def _get_extent_from_multigmpe(rupture, config, ipe):
Use MultiGMPE to determine extent
rupture (Rupture):
A ShakeMap Rupture instance.
config (ConfigObj):
ShakeMap config object.
ipe (VirtualIPE):
An VirtualIPE instance.
(clon, clat) = _rupture_center(rupture)
origin = rupture.getOrigin()
min_mmi = config["extent"]["mmi"]["threshold"]
sd_types = [const.StdDev.TOTAL]
# Distance context
dx = DistancesContext()
size = 2000
# This imposes minimum/ maximum distances of:
# 80 and 800 km; could make this configurable
d_min = config["extent"]["mmi"]["mindist"]
d_max = config["extent"]["mmi"]["maxdist"]
dx.rjb = np.logspace(np.log10(d_min), np.log10(d_max), size)
dx.rrup = np.sqrt(dx.rjb ** 2 + origin.depth ** 2)
dx.rhypo = dx.rrup
dx.repi = dx.rjb
dx.rx = np.zeros_like(dx.rjb)
dx.ry0 = np.zeros_like(dx.rjb)
dx.rvolc = np.zeros_like(dx.rjb)
# Sites context
sx = SitesContext()
# Set to soft soil conditions
sx.sids = np.array(range(size))
sx.vs30 = np.full(size, 180.0)
set_sites_depth_parameters(sx, ipe)
sx.vs30measured = np.full(size, False, dtype=bool)
sx.backarc = np.full(size, False, dtype=bool)
# Rupture context
rx = RuptureContext()
rx.mag = origin.mag
rx.rake = 0.0
# From WC94...
# rx.width = 10 ** (-0.76 + 0.27 * rx.mag)
# rx.dip = 90.0
# rx.ztor = origin.depth
# Using parameters from the point rupture...
rx.width = rupture.getWidth()
rx.dip = rupture.getDip()
rx.ztor = rupture.getDepthToTop()
rx.hypo_depth = origin.depth
mmi = imt.from_string("MMI")
imt_mean, _ = ipe.get_mean_and_stddevs(sx, rx, dx, mmi, sd_types)
# Minimum distance that exceeds threshold MMI?
dists_exceed_mmi = dx.rjb[imt_mean > min_mmi]
if len(dists_exceed_mmi):
mindist_km = np.max(dists_exceed_mmi)
mindist_km = d_min
# Get a projection
proj = OrthographicProjection(clon - 4, clon + 4, clat + 4, clat - 4)
if isinstance(rupture, (QuadRupture, EdgeRupture)):
ruptx, rupty = proj(
rupture.lons[~np.isnan(rupture.lons)], rupture.lats[~np.isnan(rupture.lats)]
ruptx, rupty = proj(clon, clat)
xmin = np.nanmin(ruptx) - mindist_km
ymin = np.nanmin(rupty) - mindist_km
xmax = np.nanmax(ruptx) + mindist_km
ymax = np.nanmax(rupty) + mindist_km
# Put a limit on range of aspect ratio
dx = xmax - xmin
dy = ymax - ymin
ar = dy / dx
if ar > 1.2:
# Inflate x
dx_target = dy / 1.2
ddx = dx_target - dx
xmax = xmax + ddx / 2
xmin = xmin - ddx / 2
if ar < 0.83:
# Inflate y
dy_target = dx * 0.83
ddy = dy_target - dy
ymax = ymax + ddy / 2
ymin = ymin - ddy / 2
lonmin, latmin = proj(np.array([xmin]), np.array([ymin]), reverse=True)
lonmax, latmax = proj(np.array([xmax]), np.array([ymax]), reverse=True)
# Round coordinates to the nearest minute -- that should make the
# output grid register with common grid resolutions (60c, 30c,
# 15c, 7.5c)
logging.debug(f"Extent: {lonmin[0]:f}, {lonmax[0]:f}, {latmin[0]:f}, {latmax[0]:f}")
return (
def _rupture_center(rupture):
Find the central point of a rupture
origin = rupture.getOrigin()
if isinstance(rupture, (QuadRupture, EdgeRupture)):
# For an extended rupture, it is the midpoint between the extent of the
# verticies
lats = rupture.lats
lons = rupture.lons
# Remove nans
lons = lons[~np.isnan(lons)]
lats = lats[~np.isnan(lats)]
clat = 0.5 * (np.nanmax(lats) + np.nanmin(lats))
clon = 0.5 * (np.nanmax(lons) + np.nanmin(lons))
# For a point source, it is just the epicenter
clat =
clon = origin.lon
return (clon, clat)
def _round_coord(coord):
Round a number to the nearest arc-minute
dm = 1.0 / 60
mm = coord / dm
imm = int(mm + 0.5)
return imm * dm
[docs]def thirty_sec_min(coord):
Round a number to the floor of 30 arc-seconds
return np.floor(coord * 120.0) / 120.0
[docs]def thirty_sec_max(coord):
Round a number to the ceiling of 30 arc-seconds
return np.ceil(coord * 120.0) / 120.0
[docs]def is_stable(lon, lat):
Determine if point is located in the US stable tectonic region. This uses
STREC but only makes use of the stable tectonic region. Any location that
is not mapped as stable is classified as active.
lon (float): Lognitude.
lat (float): Latitude.
bool: Is the point classified as tectonically stable.
reg = Regionalizer.load()
region_info = reg.getRegions(lat, lon, 0)
return region_info["TectonicRegion"] == "Stable"