
Compare two shakemaps.

This program is to quickly make maps comparing two different shakemaps. Since the main goal is to compare across maps using ShakeMap 3.5 and ShakeMap 4.0 the arguments are paths to grid.xml files.

Note that ratios are grid1/grid2 and differences are grid1 - grid2.

usage: sm_compare [-h] [-i IMT] [-o OUTPUT] [-n] grid1 grid2

Positional Arguments


Path to a ShakeMap grid.xml file.


Path to a ShakeMap grid.xml file.

Named Arguments

-i, --imt

Which IMT to use? A String such as pga, pgv, psa03, psa10.

Default: “pga”

-o, --output

Output filename. Default: compare.png

Default: “compare.png”

-n, --nocoasts

Suppresses printing of coastlines on the maps.